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Identified .32 Caliber Harrington & Richardson Revolver, Holster and Deputy Sheriff Badge
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102nd PA Infantry Monument
1897 UCV Reunion Souvenir Badge Nashville Tn
1902 GAR Encampment Souvenir
1921 Chattanooga Tennessee UCV Badge
21st Iowa Veterans Grouping
2nd New York Veteran Cavalry Grouping
38th National United Confederate Veterans Reunion Badge
75 MM Shell Case Trench Art
9th New York Cavalry Grouping
Assorted US Military Insignia WWI Period & Later
Bastogne Print
BG E Porter Alexander's Boot Pistol Reduced Price!!
Cane Topper From A 26th National Encampment GAR Cane
Civil War Veterans Cane with Brass Eagle Head
Confederate Used Leather Wallet
Confederate Veterans Five Point Star Marker
Custer Command Reunion Badge
Department of Kansas Delegate Ribbon
Desert Storm Souvenirs
Domain of Neptuno Rex Certificate from the SS Lew Wallace 1944
Filipino Bolo Knife
Forrest Cavalry Corps Badge
Four Challenge Coins
GAR 1913 Gettysburg Reunion Tumbler
GAR 27th Encampment Souvenir
GAR 55th Encampment Badge
GAR Cane
GAR Cane
GAR Cane
GAR Cane Made for the 26th Encampment 1892 Washington DC
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