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Grand Army of the Republic Belt Buckle
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Belts, Plates & Buckles
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1800's 50 Round Leather Rifle Ammunition Cartridge Belt
1830's Militia Sword Belt Rig
1905 US Naval Officer Belt Rig
1905 US Navy Belt Plate
1950's .38 Caliber Leather Ammunition Belt
1950's Leather Cartridge Belt for Pistol and Shotgun
1970's Leather Cartridge Belt for Pistol and Shotgun
Anson Mills Patented 1881 Brass "Old Reliable" Buckle
Cadet Belt Plate
Civil War Navy Belt Plate and Sash
Civil War Period Model 1851 Sword Belt Rig
Civil War Period Roller Belt Made From A Cartridge Box Sling with Cap Box
Civil War Period Waist Belt with Brass Frame Buckle
Cold War Era Soviet Union Army Belt with Buckle
Confederate Belt Rig with Cut Down Holster
Confederate Veteran Buckle
Confederate Waist Belt, Cap Box and Southern Nation Belt Plate
Drummer Boys Drumstick Carriage Buckle
Early 1900's Leather Ammunition Belt with Double Strap Holster
Early 1900's Leather Ammunition Belt with Holster Circa 1910-1920
East German Enlisted Leather Waist Belt and Buckle
Enfield Snake Buckle
Excavated Militia Plate Back
Excavated Snake Buckle
GAR Belt Plate
GAR Buckle and Cloth Belt
GAR Buckle On White Cloth Belt
German Belt Plate
German Belt Plate
German Condor Legion Buckle
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