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Edged Weapons
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Import Model 1872 Enlisted Light Cavalry Saber
Imported Model 1840 Heavy Cavalry Saber Clauberg Solingen, Germany
Imported Socket Bayonet Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle
James Potter Revolutionary War Sword
James Russell Green River Knife Circa 1860
Japanese Bayonet
Japanese Late War Army Sword
Japanese Shin Gunto Tsuba
Japanese Type 30 Bayonet
Japanese Type 30 Bayonet and Scabbard
Japanese Type 30 Bayonet with Rare Rubber Scabbard
K98 Bayonet and Scabbard
Late 1800's Blacksmith Crafted Butcher Knife
Late 1800's Ivory Handled Spear Point Knife
Late 1800's Spanish Espada Ancha Bowie Knife
Late 1800's Stag Handle Knife
Leech & Rigdon Confederate Naval Cutlass
Leech & Rigdon Foot Officer's Sword
M1850 Staff and Field Saber
M1863 Remington Zouave Bayonet
M1880 Springfield hunting Knife
M3 Fighting Knife
M3 Fighting Knife
M3 Fighting Knife Imperial
M91/30 Bayonet
Mansfield & Lamb M1860 Cavalry Saber
Mark 1 Trench Knife
McElroy Short Sword
Memphis Novelty Works Confederate Cavalry Saber
Mid 1800's Trade Axe Head
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