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Excavated Whitworth Bullet Recovered in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
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Edged Weapons
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Revolutionary War Halberd Head
Revolutionary War Period Rifleman's Knife
Sheble & Fisher Model 1860 Cutlass
Shingunto Tsuba
Side Knife made from Import Sword
Side/Boot Knife
Southern Blacksmith Crafted Confederate Cavalry Saber
Spanish D-Guard
Starr Cut Down 1818 Saber
Texas Knight's Templar Sword
Theater Altered Collins Machette
Thomas, Griswold & Co Cavalry Officer's Saber
Thomas, Griswold & Company Foot Officer's Sword
Trade Axe
Trade Axe
Trade Axe Head
Tredegar Iron Works Bayonet
Unidentified Brass Hilt Bayonet
US Model 1840 Cavalry Saber Ames Dated 1845
US Model 1840 Light Artillery Saber
US Model 1850 Foot Officers Sword
US Model 1855 Bayonet
US Model 1855 Bayonet with Pattern 1864 Scabbard
US Model 1855 Bayonet with US Pattern 1859 Scabbard
US Model 1855 Bayonet with US Pattern 1859 Scabbard
US Model 1855 Bayonet with US Pattern 1859 Scabbard
US Model 1860 Naval Cutlass Ames Dated 1862
US Model 1860 Officer's Light Cavalry Saber
US Model 1872 Officer's Light Cavalry Saber
US Model 1873 Trapdoor Bayonet with Scabbard and Frog
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