Texas Knight's Templar Sword
Item #: AA1004
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This is a Masonic Knight's Templar Commandery sword from the Lone Star state of Texas! The sword dates from the late 1890's early 1900's and was manufactured by the Cincinnati Regalia Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. The sword and scabbard are in good condition for the age. The sword is made of Rococo Style Silver and Enamel. The overall length of the sword is 35 1/4", with the blade length being 28". The blade is the Rococo style and is silver plated with gold etchings on both sides of the blade. The hilt has a black painted wood grip with a silver cross inlaid on the obverse side of the grip. The reverse side of the grip is plain, both sides of the grip showing the paint scratched. The pommel cap is The Rococo Knights Head with the mythological Gryphon on top of the helmet. The cross guard features angels wings, with the five point star in the center. In the center of the star is a Templar's cross, and Texas spelled out in the points of the star. The cross guard is loose on the blade. The blade is etched in gold from the hilt 20 1/2" down. A cross within a crown is near the hilt, followed by by a skull and cross bones with the words "M Mento Mori". Crosses, suits of armor follow, with a Templar Knight holding a shield and staff with the banner bearing a Templer cross follows. More ornate etching and the owner of the swords name "Jules Braunagel" in old English script is found near the center of the blade. More ornate etchings of crosses and and coats of arms follows, ending with another Templar's cross. The reverse side of the blade is etched with the makers mark at the hilt "CINCINNATI/REGALIA CO./CINCINNATI,O." That is followed by a mounted Templar knight, a standard bearing a cross, a knight in full armor with helmet bearing a standard, a battle scene of the Templar Knights mounted charging a mounted enemy force with another cross at the end. The blade shows some tarnishing at the hilt end, but remains bright past the etchings. The edge is free of nicks or any damage. The scabbard is silver plated and shows wear, loss of plating and some tarnishing. The top scabbard mount is an imposing figure of a helmeted knight with chain mail and gauntled hands. The hands serve as ring mounts for the swords drops of the belt supporting this sword. A Red enamel cross is on the knight's chest, with some of the enamel chipped off. The middle mount has only one suspension ring. It is made up of the "Faceless Knight", a suit of armor with crossed swords and a crown above it. The mount also has a red enamel cross in the center of a crown. The drag is double sided, one side showing a crisader's hand holding a flaming cross. Below and to each side of the hand are two busts of naked women. This sword many of the symbols of the Mason's. Free Masonry played a big part in the early history of Texas. Sam Houston was a Free Mason. This is a solid example of a Masonic Templar's sword made for a Commandery from the state of Texas.