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Walrus Tusk Inuit Art
Item #: AA3743
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This is a small section of walrus tusk with Inuit art illustrated on the front. The tusk measure 2" wide and 1" high. This section of the tusk has been cut very thin, and measures 1/8" wide. The front has scrimshaw style art, but instead of being carved into the ivory it is painted in white. The scene depicts an Eskimo hunting a walrus with a traditional harpoon. The walrus appears to detect the hunter just moments before he is attacked. The white painted scene is simplistic but very effective. There is a name written in at the bottom left, but I'm not sure if the spelling of Apodeuh is correct. The back of the pin has a broach style pin attached to it. This small piece of Inuit culture will look nice in your collection.
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Item # AA3743
Your Price $30.00 USD

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