Excavated Whitworth Bullet Recovered in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Item #: AA3815
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This is a .45 caliber Whitworth bullet that was recovered on the western slope of Little Round Top in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The bullet is in fired condition and was recovered in the 1970's by relic hunter Ken Brame. The lead has turned white from being in the ground, and still has dirt from the recovery site on it. This excavated Whitworth bullet comes with a hand written letter from Lewis Leigh Jr with the where and who recovered the bullet dated 5 November, 2021. Along with two other documents, a one page informational document by Fred Ray concerning the Whitworth rifle is included. Excavated Whitworth bullets are hard to come by and chances are your Civil War bullet collection doesn't have one of these.
Shipping Weight:
1 lb
Your Price $200.00 USD
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