Virginia State Seal Button
Item #: AA814
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This is a non excavated Confederate Virginia state seal button from the Civil War period. This two piece button is of coat size and has the Virginia state seal on the face. The back mark is from D. EVANS & CO. ATTLEBORO MASS. The face is dent free, no mars or blemishes. There are 13 five point stars across the top of the button. In a banner running from left to right across the bottom of the button is the state motto "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS", meaning "Thus ever to tyrants". In the center is the figure Virtus, the genius of the Commonwealth, dressed as an Amazon wearing a helmet. Virtus is standing victoriously over the form of Tyranny, represented by the prostrate body of a man. Beside the head of Tyranny lies his fallen crown, a broken chain and a scourge lie on the ground nearby. The face is absolutely perfect, having a golden patina. The shank is still with this one, standing perfectly straight and tall! McGuinn and Bazelon's book "American Military Button Makers and Dealers; Their Backmarks & Dates" states that Daniel Evans firm dated from 1848 after he took over the Robinson uniform button factory. They go on to say that many D Evans back marked buttons have been excavated from Civil War camps. This one is most likely a pre war militia button. It would also make a fabulous addition to your Virginia collection.