WWII US M1 Helmet Shell Signed by Bradford Freeman E Company 506th PIR
Item #: AA3754
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This is a US World War II M1 helmet shell. The shell was manufactured by the McCord Radiator company. The heat stamp of 844A puts this one being manufactured in April, 1944. The helmet has a dark appearance, and has been repainted at least once. The original cork texturing is virtually non existent, with just traces remaining on the lower sections of the helmet. The helmet shell has three sizable dents on the top. There are no stress cracks in the shell. The stainless steel band around the rim retains the majority of the paint, and has a front seam. The chin strap bails are swivel. The chin straps are both missing. The shell does not have a net on it. The thing that separated this McCord shell from the other 22 million is the signature on the back side. Signed in black permanent marker is Bradford Freeman/Co E 506PIR/101st ABD. This helmet was signed by Freeman during the Show of Shows in Louisville, Kentucky in 2020 when PFC Freeman was a special guest at the show. PFC Bradford Freeman was assigned to a mortar squad under Sergeant Don Malarkey in the now famous Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division upon his arrival in England. Freeman made both the D Day jump at Normandy and the Holland jump during Operation Market Garden. He survived the horrors of Bastogne unscathed, but was wounded in the fighting at Noville in January, 1945. He returned to join Easy Company in April of 1945 in Austria and was discharged in November, 1945. Bradford Freeman was the last survivor of the "Band of Brothers", passing away at the age of 97 on 3 July, 2022. If you have a US WWII Airborne collection this simple helmet could very well be the center piece of it.
Shipping Weight:
3 lbs
Your Price $300.00 USD
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