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Cutdown Prussian Model 1809 Potsdam Musket Attributed to Confederate Usage
Item #: AA3458
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This is a cutdown Prussian Model 1809 smooth bore musket in .72 caliber produced at the Potsdam Armory. The musket has an overall length of 35 3/4"", with a barrel length of 20 1/4". The exterior of the barrel has an overall smooth surface with a mottled steel gray and plum patina. There is moderate pitting and pin pricking at the bolster and breech area from firing the weapon. These guns were originally flintlock, but were converted to percussion. This was accomplished by forging a curved cone seat directly onto the breech. The bore is dark with light pitting and debris, but no major rust. A gauge shows this one now at .73 caliber at the muzzle. A simple block rear sight is mounted on the barrel tang, there is no front sight. The left barrel flat is stamped from muzzle to breach: the number 1197 and a crown over the letter K. There are stamps above these, but they are no clear. The years 1824 is the only thing legible. The lockplate is stamped Danzig over the date 1830 forward of the hammer. Above the Potsdam stamp is the Prussian crown. The lockplate and hammer have a dark smooth patina that matches the barrel. The hammer screw however, is a modern replacement screw. The mechanics of the lock are strong and crisp. The lock has a rounded tail that ends in a small teat, distinguishing it as a Model 1809. The remaining barrel band, trigger guard, escutcheon plate and butt plate are all brass. All the brass components have a matching chocolate patina. The number 28 is found on all the brass pieces. Along with the 28, the word TEXAS is stamped into the butt plate. The front and rear sling swivels are missing. The ramrod is also missing from the gun. The walnut stock shows plenty of use and service, having the usual bumps and dings, but has no significant wood loss. There are several shallow stress cracks in the stock, you kinda expect that with almost 200 year old wood. None are substantial, most are located near the butt plate on either side of the stock. There are two, one forward and one rearward of the lock. The left stock comb has a recessed check rest. The number 1197 has been stamped into the stock on the left hand side. A one piece stamp with the letters CSA has been used on the right stock comb near the butt plate. The US Ordnance Department purchased just over 100,000 of these smooth bore Prussian arms at the beginning of the Civil War. These shipment arrived during late 1861 and early 1862. By late 1862 they were already being replaced with better arms. The majority of these saw service in the Western theater, and some were captured and put back into service by the Confederates. Evidently this is one of the ones put into service by the Confederates. This Potsdam was purchased at the Texas Gun Collectors Show last year and came with a small printed tag. It remarks how this Danzig stamped musket is absent form Prussian regimental markings. It also states that the TEXAS stamp in the butt plate is a match for a Civil War musket in the Smith County, Texas Historical Society collection. It sure has that look of a hard used Confederate weapon, but this one won't break the bank!
Shipping Weight: 5 lbs
Your Price $850.00 USD

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