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An Irishman In Dixie Thomas Conolly
Item #: AA2401
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This book was written by Thomas Conolly, edited by Nelson D. Lankford, published in 1988, the narrative is 134 pages and is illustrated with black and white photos and drawings. In February 1865, the last blockade runner to reach the North Carolina coast set ashore a most unlikely passenger, the Right Honorable Thomas Conolly, a member of the of the British Parliament and head of one of the leading families in Ireland. He had come to America because of his partnership with a group of would be entrepreneurs who has purchased a steamship to run the blockade and bring back great profit in rebel cotton. Unfortunately for them, their ship was damaged at sea and had to turn back. Conolly, however, pressed on as a passenger on another blockade runner in hopes his ship would soon follow after repairs. During his visit to the shrunken Confederacy, Conolly met Jefferson Davis, dined with Robert E. Lee, caroused through the Yankee high society, heard the whine of Yankee bullets at Petersburg, saw Richmond burn, and returned home to tell his tale. Throughout his three month in America he kept a diary, that after all these years, has only recently come to light and until now has never been published in entirety. In it we have a remarkable, fresh account of the last days of the Confederacy. This hard back book is in excellent condition, and the dust jacket is in very good condition.
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Item # AA2401
Your Price $50.00 USD

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