Cleaning Kit For the Moison Nagant Rifle and Carbine
Item #: AA2213
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This is a cleaning kit for the Model 1891/30 Moison Nagant rifle and the Model 1938 Carbine from the World War II era. The kit consists of a leather carrying pouch, muzzle protector, cleaning jag, two part handle assembly and multi function screwdriver tool. The knurled muzzle protectors come in two lengths, short for carbine and rifle use, and long for use on the rifle only. The cleaning jag is used in conjunction with the rifles cleaning rod, threading onto the end of the rod. The multi function screwdriver is then used to tighten the jag onto the rod. The two part handle assembly slides onto the cleaning rod, the bushing type piece actually slides up the cleaning rod to the knurled tip and aligns with the hole in the cleaning rod. The pin type handle then slides through the holes in the bushing and cleaning rod. The multi function tool is used for setting the firing pin stick out, tightening the cleaning jag onto the cleaning rod and help in the removal of a bayonet. The only thing missing is oil and solvent can used in the maintenance of the weapon. The kit itself will need a little cleaning before you use it, it's still got cosmoline on it! This little gem is necessary in the maintenance of your Mosin Nagant rifle, and will add to your Eastern Front collection.
Shipping Weight:
2 lbs
Your Price $15.00 USD
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