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Missoula, Montana Newspaper Dated 7 December, 1941 Japs Attack Headline
Item #: AA2155
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This is a copy of The Sunday Missoulian, a newspaper serving the Missoula, Montana area. It is an extra edition and is dated 7 December, 1941. The complete newspaper is 12 pages, including advertisements. Naturally the headlines for this Sunday edition read, "JAPS ATTACK U.S. BASES THEN DECLARE OPEN WAR". There are two photos on the front page, one showing Manila in the Philippines and the other showing the harbor at Honolulu, Hawaii. There are numerous articles on the front page that relate to the attack on the Pacific bases that occurred on December 7, 1941. The paper is in excellent condition, showing no damage at all. The pages are slightly yellowed, but all text and images are perfectly legible. This would go great with your WWII Pacific theater collection.
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price $30.00 USD

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