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16 Gage Fowler Cavalry Cut Down
Item #: AA1314
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This is a 16 gage, black powder percussion fowler that has been cut down for service with the cavalry. The overall length of this weapon is 32", with a barrel length of 16 1/4". The barrel has a hexagon into round barrel, the hexagon portion measures 8". The exterior of the barrel has an even dark patina with light pitting. The bore measures out at 16 gage and is dark and rusted. There are several proof marks on the bottom of the barrel flats and read from breech to muzzle: the letters R, G, A, 15.6 and a couple more that aren't legible. The cut down barrel has been recrowned. All the furniture is iron and has the same dark patina as the barrel. The lockplate is unmarked, giving no clue to the maker or retailor. The mechanics are crisp and work perfectly. A saddle bar and ring have been added to the stock opposite the lockplate. An iron ramrod completes the weapon. The stock has been cut back to match the barrel length. The wood is in good condition, showing the normal bumps and dings from normal handling and use. The wrist area has been checkered and shows moderate wear. On the left stock comb are the letters CS 3/4" tall. Ol' Rebel picked this one up in Central Kentucky, but didn't bother to share the story behind it. So those magical letters could stand for Confederate States, or Chuck Smith for all I know! One thing is for sure, somebody turned this one time bird gun into a Cavalry carbine.