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Copper Cleaning Rod
Item #: AA1243
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This is a hand fabricated copper cleaning rod from the Civil War era. The rod measures 32 3/4" from the tip of the eyelet to the base of the loop and 1/8" in diameter. The eyelet is fashioned to accept patches used to clean the bores of rifles and carbines. The length of the rod allows it to be used with any Civil War carbine, Mississippi rifle, two band Enfields and Richmonds, and any other long arm with a barrel length of 33" or less. This one may have been made out of necessity because someone lost the threaded portion of their ramrod. Or maybe he just preferred using the cleaning rod as apposed to using the ramrod. I'd bet my bottom dollar that this gun cleaning implement was made and used by some enterprising southern boy!
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price Was: 40.00 Sale Price: $39.00 USD
Your Price $39.00 USD

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